Weddings: How to Choose the Perfect Diamond Ring Setting


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This is a must read if you are about to buy your diamond wedding ring and especially if you are going down the bespoke route. The realm of diamond rings can be a confusing one if you don’t know how to navigate it properly. This mini-guide will give you a simple explanation of all the setting types available. From halo to prongs and paves. This may sound like a foreign language to you now but by the end, you will know exactly what to look for.

It is so important to know more about settings as it’s a central part of how the ring will look. Essentially, the setting dictates how the diamond is framed and the design of the ring itself. There are things you will have to take into consideration such as lifestyle, personal preferences for design and the price. Once these are known, you will gage which setting is best. If your partner has more of a hands-on job, the simpler settings should be considered for example.

If you wanted to get an idea of the type of settings available on the market, check out the diamond rings from Delphi Diamonds. Their wide range of rings will showcase a range of settings so you can see which is most suitable.

Types of settings

  1. Prongs are the claw like settings you see that include normally three to six prongs that hold the diamond. The girdle is left slightly exposed but the diamond does get a high amount of exposure with this design.

Lifestyles: as they do have a tendency to scratch more than others, an active lifestyle may damage the setting.

Price: this is one of the most popular designs and also one of the least expensive. 

  1. Bezel settings include a rim that surrounds the diamond completely. Because the surface is smooth and covers all areas, the diamond has more of a protective enclosure. There is also a semi-bezel option which has a metal rim but not all the way round as the diamonds girdle is exposed from two sides.

Lifestyles: as there is a high amount of protection for this style, it may suit more active lifestyles.

Price: the cost is fairly inexpensive as the designs are fairly simple and there is minimal amount of craftsmanship needed.

  1. Channel normally includes various little diamonds that have been worked into the metal ring itself. These are a popular choice for wedding rings and a larger diamond or stone can be added to the middle.

Lifestyles: because there are no harsh edges or sharp angles exposed, this setting is brilliant for any lifestyle.

Price: The channel is more expensive than the prior settings and will require smaller stones which can also work out costlier.

  1. The Pave setting is where you see small or princess diamonds in a continuous row. The stones are added through holes or small prongs that hold them in place.

Lifestyles: Due to the prongs, which are not usually too sharp, there is still a chance of catching on materials. The stones and prongs are level with the ring however; they do remain a safe and brilliant option for any lifestyle. 

Prices: As for price, this setting is requires more labour so can be more expensive to create.

Now you have a bit more knowledge on the settings available for your diamond wedding ring, you should have a smoother journey in the buying process.

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