3 Easy and Delicious Ways to Prepare Avocado

@projectfairytale: 3 Easy and Delicious Ways to Prepare Avocado

Poached eggs, delicious chicken wraps and soft scrambled eggs, they all benefit from the delicious presence of a good, ripe avocado. A while ago, Denisa challenged me to find three distinct ways of preparing meals that contain avocado and are not your standard avocado on toast or guacamole. Also, we had our previous experiences with the baked avocado and egg which was not the greatest thing ever (read, pretty horrible). So, here we go, the three not that original but still ways to prepare or incorporate avocado into your meals.

I. Scrambled eggs with mango-avocado salsa


  • 4 eggs
  • spring onions
  • salt
  • pepper
  • chili flakes
  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 1 ripe mango
  • diced shallots
  • lemon / lime juice


  1. Prepare the salsa: Dice the mango and the avocado and mix them in a bowl. Add onion, salt, pepper, cilantro and chili flakes. Splash some lime and lemon juice and mix all the ingredients.
  2. Prepare the eggs: in a bowl whisk the eggs (I usually put 2 / person) with salt, pepper, chili and spring onions. Add any other spices you like. Pour into a pan and over low heat continue to blend the mixture until it’s no longer liquid.
  3. Transfer to a plate and add the salsa.
  4. Serve with toasted tortilla wraps.

II. Poached eggs on Avocado with Cream and Mustard sauce


  • 2 eggs
  • 1 ripe avocado
  • salt
  • pepper
  • chili flakes
  • lemon juice
  • olive oil
  • garlic
  • cream
  • capers
  • Dijon mustard


  1. Prepare the sauce: mix three teaspoons of cream with one teaspoon of Dijon mustard and a handful of capers. Set aside.
  2. Prepare the avocado “bed” for the eggs: scoop the avocado from its skin in a bowl, add some olive oil, lemon juice, garlic or onion and spices and whisk everything together until it looks like a paste. Put a tablespoon of avocado paste on each plate
  3. Poach the eggs: in a shallow pan put water to boil without actually letting it reach a full, round boiling state. When it starts to simmer, lower the heat and add the eggs (not from very high and with very little moves). When they are done, transfer them with a palette to the avocado bed.
  4. Add the sauce on top and decorate them with some chili flakes.

III. Chicken wraps with Avocado and vegetables


  • 200g chicken fillets
  • cherry tomatoes
  • shallots
  • green lettuce
  • sweet corn
  • 1 ripe avocado
  • tortilla wraps
  • spices: salt, pepper, chili, curry powder


  1. Prepare the chicken: dice the fillets and mix them with the desired spice than cook them in a pan.
  2. Assemble the wrap: on a tortilla put the ingredients – tomatoes, lettuce, corn, chicken, avocado, shallots and anything else you might like (like herbs or other spices), splash a little lime juice and wrap everything together.

And, for my Romanian readers, below is the video showing everything being done…


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