One of my favorite writers of times and all languages, Andreï Makine, who masters perfectly the Russian soul expressed through French words, is the name that I could not take out of my mind today. As one of the most enthusiastic readers of his stories, that manage the performance of transmitting the same powerful emotions (at least to me) through each of their very diverse subjects and settings, I could not help but make a strange association. Even if the images that accompany this post (which are also its primary reason to exist) might seem frivolous and lacking substance, like just another fashion editorial featuring lavish dresses, they actually evoked in my mind a quote from Makine’s last book, Une femme aimée: « Ce qu’ils vivaient était si étranger au monde que pour s’aimer, ils devaient effacer ce monde-là. Partir. Renaître…»
As simple as that…
Images via FGR and WomensManagement
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