How to Achieve the Perfect Smile


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People hide their smiles for all sorts of reasons, including problems with their teeth, or because they think their smile does not look good. There are ways to improve it though, so you are not hiding it all the time. A smile can mean so much and often with people you meet for the first time, it creates a good impression. Here are a few tips on how to make your smile one to be proud of.

Regular Dental Care

Do not let your teeth let you down. You should visit a dentist at least twice a year to ensure that your teeth are kept healthy. A practice providing dental care in Canberra will also be able to advise you on the best way to floss your teeth, how to keep them white, and deal with any issues such as crooked or missing teeth. Having teeth that you are not ashamed of is more than halfway towards perfecting your smile and will give you extra confidence.

Avoid Drinks that Stain

There are some drinks that will stain your teeth more than others, with tea, coffee, and red wine being the worst offenders.  However, any dark coloured drink will stain them, and this includes the diet versions of cola drinks and some fresh fruit juices such as cranberry. If you really want one of these drinks, a glass of water soon after can help to reduce the staining effect. Tobacco products will also stain your teeth, as well as being bad for your overall health.

If your teeth do become stained, you should seek the help of your dentist to make them white again. Avoid over the counter whitening preparations, as these can cause damage if they are not used correctly.

Use a Mirror

How your smile looks to other people is not important. What matters is that you are happy with it, and you can change it if you want to. Look in a mirror and try tilting your head or moving it slightly to one side. You could also look through old photos to see if you smile in a way you particularly like.

Try different smiles until you find the one you are happy with and then practice it every day for just a few minutes. Over a few weeks, you will find it becomes your natural way of smiling and then you can forget about being self-conscious about it.

Smiling Can Reduce Stress

The more you smile, the less stressed you will be. This has been shown by a number of studies which have also shown they are catching. When you smile at someone and they smile back, they are more likely to smile at the next person they see, and before you know it, lots of people are smiling just because of that first one from you. It is also said that people who smile are perceived to be friendlier and more approachable, so follow these suggestions to get a smile you are happy with and use it to spread a little happiness around.

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