How to Live Luxuriously On a Budget


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Thanks to wealthy social media stars and glamorous celebrities constantly bombarding us with images of their lifestyles and riches, society has come to simultaneously celebrate and resent the idea of luxury. The gap between rich and poor is growing, but that doesn’t mean people on both ends are unaware of how the other half lives.

When scrolling through social media platforms and watching the idyllic lifestyles of the rich play out on a screen, people who cannot afford to spend frivolously or travel constantly can understandably feel dejected and bored with their own life. However, flaunting wealth and filling your home with designer goods isn’t necessarily what luxury is all about. Here are a five tips to help you live luxuriously while sustaining a careful budget.

Be Crafty

For some, the act of spending money is what makes them feel like their life is luxurious. This isn’t the most productive or healthy way to improve your lifestyle, however, since it can quickly lead to debt or other money troubles. Instead of getting that rush from making purchases – and enjoying the exchange of money itself – concentrate on enjoying the result of your efforts. This can be as simple as buying something and truly appreciating it, enjoying it as often as possible and never leaving it for a special occasion.

Life is short, so have fun with it. Similarly, you can enjoy a luxurious lifestyle by making luxury items for yourself at home. Here’s a short list of ideas for what you can create yourself to achieve that luxurious, artistic effect without wasting money:

  • Handcrafted soap,
  • Bath salts,
  • Scented candles,
  • Soft furnishings such as blankets and throw pillows.

Not only will you save money by making these treats yourself, but you’ll learn some fun skills that could become more than just a hobby.

Spend Thoughtfully

Connected to the last point in that crafting your own luxury creations saves you money, how you spend what you earn is important when living a more glamorous yet conscious lifestyle. Your priority should always be to stay safe, sheltered and fed, but once those bases are covered, you also need to allocate money where you will appreciate it the most. A flashy watch might have caught your eye but that doesn’t necessarily mean you should give into the temptation to buy it.

A good rule is to acknowledge your first attraction to the item in question, then save it in your online basket or call the store to hold it for you temporarily. Give yourself a week or two to forget about the item and, if after a while you find yourself still thinking about it, indulge yourself. However, avoid falling for the trap of false scarcity or last chance sales that are just clever marketing tactics used to compel consumers into panic-buying.

Throw Yourself into Nature

Often it can seem as if the only way to surround yourself with luxury is to spend time under high ceilings and reclining on large sofas, but there’s nothing more luxurious than the feeling of reconnecting with nature. After all, luxury takes a lot of its visual codes from classical pieces of art which themselves drew heavily from natural forms. Cut straight to the good stuff by taking a day to get lost in the local woods or visit a secluded part of the landscape. Join a Boat Club to experience nature from a new perspective or try some extreme sports to get your adrenaline pumping.

Experiences Over Objects

Another misconception about luxury is the need for you to own many beautiful objects, dress in the best designer clothes and live in a stylish penthouse or mansion. Luxury is only partly about expensive tastes, but it mainly comprises feelings of comfort and elegance. These can be found without wasting money on objects and instead by creating lasting memories through exciting and fulfilling experiences. Save your money for a once-in-a-lifetime trip instead of frequently buying a new phone or having a coffee every single morning. Little treats are only temporarily satisfying, whereas experiences such as travel, adventure and human connection are far more rewarding in the long run.

Make Time

Part of the reason many people envy the rich is their ability to buy time. They can delegate mundane tasks in order to live out their dreams, they can afford better healthcare that has a chance of extending their lifespan, they can travel easier and faster than most others. This is why learning to appreciate and value your own time can add a surprising sense of luxury to your life. Practice meditation and other mindfulness techniques in order to become more attuned to the pace of life and what truly matters.

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