5 Secrets for Whiter Teeth


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Over time, your teeth inevitably lose their luster. Many common substances contribute to discoloration of your teeth and weakening of your enamel. A healthy, bright set of teeth can give you the confidence to smile, laugh and stop feeling self-conscious while doing so.

Teeth staining can appear either yellowish, grayish or brown between the teeth. With these five secrets, not only can you reduce current stains but also prevent them from happening in the future.

1. Opt for a professional service  

If you have noticeable staining on your teeth, the best and safest way to a white smile is through professional teeth whitening. A dentist, like those at kewroaddental.co.uk, will have access to medical-grade whitening gel and also the proper lighting equipment that can reduce stains in as little as an hour. They can also provide you with top of the line, take-home kits to give even more thorough results.

If you have had dental work done, like crowns or veneers, a dentist can provide tailored whitening with that in mind. They can adapt the treatment for different sensitivities and personal needs.

2. Whitening strips and toothpaste

If you have minor staining and you are looking for a way to perk them up a bit, using whitening strips is a good solution. While it won’t get rid of heavy staining, the peroxide-based gel on the strips will remove surface-level stains. You wear the strips for a few minutes each day for about a week. You shouldn’t wear them every day, and you’ll need to be careful if you already have sensitive teeth.

Whitening toothpaste is a great way to maintain your pearly whites and can be used every day. It will buffer off surface-level stains and keep your smile sparkling.

3. Home remedies

If you want to go the natural route, many home remedies have been used for ages for teeth whitening. Bicarbonate of soda is a common household item that packs a punch when it comes to removing surface stains. You can use it daily by simply brushing your teeth with it, as you would regular toothpaste.

As gross as it sounds, your saliva can help reduce staining on your teeth. It can neutralize the harmful acids that lead to tooth decay. It also acts as a natural bath for your teeth, washing off food particles before they cause damage. Chewing sugar-free gum and eating apples, pears, and celery can encourage saliva production.

4.  Avoid food and drinks that stain your teeth

Many common foods and drinks will lead to heavy staining on your teeth. As a general rule, anything that will stain your carpet will stain your teeth. Foods like berries, beetroot, or tomato sauce are the biggest culprits. Drinking coffee, wine, tea and soft drinks will also affect the color of your teeth. You don’t need to eliminate them completely, but get in the habit of rinsing your mouth out after you consume these foods and beverages.

5. Don’t smoke

Smoking is one of the biggest culprits for staining your teeth. Tobacco stains will appear brown and settle in between the teeth. They are hard to remove once they are there, so the best thing you can do to keep your teeth white is not to smoke. Beyond that, smoking can also lead to gum disease and bad breath.

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