5 Ways to Prepare Your Home for Summer


Photo by Sunyu Kim from Pexels

It’s that time of year again. We have just had a few warm days, the birds are singing, the flowers are out, and it seems everyone is mowing their lawns and have barbecues outside.

If you’re ready to jump in on the summer activities we have some great ideas for how to organize your home for the perfect summer, whether you’ve got a house or an apartment, a sprawling garden or a window box, these ideas are universal.

Get Your Finances Straight 

What do finances have to do with getting your home summer-ready? It’s simple, some home repairs can be expensive, and it can be a never-ending battle to pay the bills on time. When you’re faced with something that could potentially be expensive (like a broken boiler or a leak causing a flood), having a good grip on your finances can make all the difference.

There are different ways to free up cash, equity loans against your house, for example, are one way, or logbook loans if you’re a car-owner.

Sort Out the Plumbing

Summer is a great time to make sure all of those pipes and taps are working in top condition. When the central heating is off, we may not notice a small leak, but you can bet that that leak will become a severe problem when it goes back on, and every plumber in the neighborhood will be booked up! A quick check every few weeks is well worth it in the long run.

Clean Out the Gutters

Did you know that guttering should last around 20 years? Without careful maintenance, there is no way yours will last this long! So, while the weather is beautiful and before the leaves fall in the autumn, get out and inspect your gutters and give them a good clear out!

Inspect your Attic Space 

If your home has an attic space, there are two seasons you probably two seasons you do not want to be going up there: winter and summer. In winter, the lack of heating on most attics makes them very chilly places, and in summer, the heat rises, causing them to be like saunas!

Sadly, for us, rodents and other critters love a quiet, undisturbed place to make their nest, so before the summer heat kicks in, pop up in your attic space and do a check. There are plenty of options for solving a rodent problem, but you won’t know what you’re dealing with until you check.

Get Your Seeds and Bulbs Ready 

Whether you have got a big garden or a tiny window box, science has proven that a little bit of nature can make a big difference to mental health. Most seeds and bulbs, however, have a short planting time! Make sure you decide well in advance what you’d like to grow and get the seeds and bulbs ready to go in at the right time. 

Planning in advance also means you can shop around for the best price and beat the spring crowds!

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