How to Take Better Care of Your Belongings


Photo by George Sultan from Pexels

In a world that prizes fast fashion, replacing instead of repairing and promises of happiness with the latest upgrade, it seems the art of looking after what we have is being more and more lost amongst the sea of “New, new, new!”.

And with that, understanding how to take care of belongings or what that even involves, is slowly going out of style. This article examines how you can take better care of your belongings to help them last longer and remain looking like they are brand new.

Think More About How You Wash Clothes 

It is not a secret that amongst us there is team ‘“load the washing machine with anything and whack it on medium”, but in doing this, we are actually shortening the life and impacting the quality of our clothes. If you do not already, separate your whites instead of just using a color catcher, and wash them on a lower heat with a detergent that is designed for brightening clothes to keep them crisp and fresh.

Pay attention to what the labels of your clothes say as this can really help your garments last longer and stay in the best condition.

If your clothes have already seen too much of the inside of the drum, and bobbles are appearing on your favorite jumper, worry not! There are some neat little tools that can remove bobbles from clothes and leave them looking brand new.

Take Care of Your Car 

Our cars take us everywhere and considering the amount of time we spend in them, they should be more of a priority. Aside from a yearly emissions check or vehicle inspection (if your state requires it) and maybe putting it through a car wash, not much else is done to keep them fresh.

Getting your car detailed is one of the fastest ways to make you feel like your car is brand new again. Not only will your newly detailed car feel great to drive in, but it also means if the time comes to sell it, it will be in much better condition than a car that hasn’t been looked after.

For more information in getting your car in tip-top condition, find a trusted Phoenix auto detailer for the highest quality service.

Resole Your Favorite Shoes

Often when holes start appearing in our favorite footwear, we begin the mourning process, wondering if we will be able to find a pair we like that much again, not to mention how much effort (and pain) it will take breaking in a new pair! However, resoling shoes can be an affordable option, making them feel almost as good as new.

If you want to go one step further, take care of materials such as leather and suede with the correct polish and cleaner, replace laces and look after zips to keep your shoes running for more miles.

Clean Your Jewelry 

Jewelry can gather lots of bacterial, dead skin cells and also tarnish over time due to the elements and moisture such as sweat. Keep jewelry clean and take care of which particular stones are set within pieces to keep them looking brand new.

Buffing is often a go-to method when it comes to polishing silver pieces, but read here for a more comprehensive guide on different kinds of jewelry.

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