4 Apps To Take The Stress Out Of Home Cleaning


Cleaning your house is probably bottom of the list of things you want to spend your free time doing. But nobody wants to live in a dirty house and if you don’t stay on top of the cleaning, bacteria will build up and eventually become a health hazard. 

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The good news is, your smartphone is here to help. Like most things in life, there are some great apps that help take the stress out of cleaning your home so you can get it over and done with quickly and spend your time doing more enjoyable things. These are some of the best apps to help you clean your home faster. 

Organisation Apps 

Cleaning your whole house might seem like a mammoth task but when you break it down into specific jobs and start organising those tasks, it’s far less daunting. There are some great apps, like OurHome, which are designed to do exactly that. You can create different cleaning tasks and even assign them to different family members. People earn points for each task they do, so it turns cleaning into a bit of a game. Once you start getting organised, you will find it so much easier to motivate yourself and get things done quickly. 

These organisation apps are perfect for your general cleaning but they’re especially good if you are doing a spring clean and you have a long list of things that need to be done. 

Robot Vacuum Cleaners 

Vacuuming the whole house is one of the most daunting tasks and the idea of hauling a big vacuum around the house is enough to put anybody off cleaning. So why not get a robot vacuum that you can control from an app on your phone instead? You can sit back and relax while the vacuum cleaner does all of the work for you and you direct it from your smartphone and tell it which rooms need to be cleaned. You can also set them on automatic mode so they do all of the cleaning while you are out of the house. 

Laundry Tag Scanners 

Doing laundry is never fun but it’s even more frustrating when you are trying to make sense of the labels on your clothes. If you wash things at the wrong temperature, you can ruin your clothes, so you have to be careful. The good news is, there are some great apps, like Laundry Day, which scan the labels for you and tell you exactly what you need to do.  

Cleaning Advice Apps 

If you really hate cleaning and you don’t know where to start, there are some great advice apps, like BrightNest. You’ll find all sorts of great tips and tricks for cleaning your home, as well as some good advice or organising things to stay on top of the mess. If you are looking for ways to clean your home without chemicals, you can find some great natural remedies on there that are just as effective as shop-bought cleaning products. 

Download some of these apps today and you can make cleaning your home a dream instead of a nightmare.

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