Saving A Little Time Cleaning In The Kitchen


When it comes to keeping the home clean and hygienic, we should all be in agreement that there are few rooms that matter quite as much as the kitchen. With all the foodstuffs, foot traffic, and general bacteria those rooms can accumulate, it’s essential we make sure that we keep it clean and healthy. However, that doesn’t mean that you should be spending hours scrubbing it a week. Here are a few tips to keep cleaning it a little easier.

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Invest in easy-care surfaces

Not all kitchen furniture and surfaces are created equally. For instance, anyone can tell you that wood that has had its treatment worn away will absorb liquids much more than tiles, making them harder to clean without stains. The next time that you’re thinking about fitting in a kitchen counter, floor, or even a backsplash, consider natural materials like granite or stone that are better at staying stain-free and moisture resistant. That way, you’re never likely to need to give them more than a wipe when it comes time to clean them up.

Keep surfaces clutter free

If you want to start an argument out of nowhere, ask a group of friends who amongst them puts away their toaster. Some will be aghast at the suggestion, others will consider it the most natural thing in the world. When it comes to cleanliness, the latter at least have a good case. Having clutter out on surfaces, including appliances that aren’t in use or food storage items might offer a little decorative flair, but they will attract dust that will, in turn, make it take longer to clean the kitchen.

Keep on top of your regulars

There are some parts of the kitchen that are going to require cleaning a little more regularly than others. This is because, without the right care, they’re going to degrade, perhaps even to the point of staining or rusting. To stop these parts of the kitchen from becoming a much bigger job in the future, follow things like this guide to a clean stainless steel sink. A little effort here and there can prevent you from having a much bigger hassle to clean up down the line.

Clean as you go

One of the biggest issues is that people tend to focus on one job at a time. As such, you might not even fully notice all the food residue and dirt you leave behind while you’re taking care of food prep. You’re content to leave it until after you have eaten and taken care of the dishes. However, this gives things time to settle in, which can make stains and spills much more stubborn. Cleaning while you cook doesn’t really take up all that much more time, but can definitely save you time down the line.

The cleaning hacks above might take a little investment, but they can most definitely be worth it to make it a little easier to care for your kitchen. Keep them in mind.

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