How to Nurture Your Happiness by Helping Others


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

In exceptional times, taking steps to nurture your personal happiness can be crucial in sustaining a positive sense of wellbeing and comfort.

This can prove to be challenging however, especially if current circumstances are beginning to take their toll on your motivation, your daily structure, and your working day.

Wanting to make a difference to not only yourself, but to society in general is a common position to find yourself at. Helping others can help to nurture your own happiness, and you can start the journey from the comfort of your own home.

Stay Connected

Staying connected with friends is so much more than a social duty; it can be the very essence of what a healthy and caring friendship proports to embody, as the ability to stay in communication can help relieve a host of negative feelings, such as loneliness and isolation.

Reaching out can be important to let people know that you are thinking of them. Even if that happens to be a quick message through social media, it can make the world of difference when it comes to helping people through tough times.

By sending your regards you can help others who are close to you remember that despite possible restrictions, a meaningful friendship can endure.

Donate to Charity

Donating is a great way of showing your support for your community, while providing people with the chance to get hold of the essentials like food and water. A monetary donation to a trusted charity can go a long way to helping out in general.

There are plenty of other ways to practice altruism should you not feel as though you are in the position to give money, such as baking food for your neighbors, donating clothes, or giving up your time to help out around your local community.

Support Local Businesses

It can be important to support your local businesses in times of turmoil, as smaller operations may struggle to find the resources that they need in order to stay afloat. Even if you voice your support and admiration for them via social media, this can have the ability to go a long way towards giving someone the boost they need to get through the day.

Remember That What Goes Around Comes Around

It can be important to bear in mind that kindness and generosity are often reciprocated, which can be a nice reminder when you feel like your stress levels are beginning to rise to unhealthy heights.

Knowing that you have a support network in place in which you can find the help you need can be great for your wellbeing. Creating an environment of transparency and empathy amongst your piers and your community is a wonderful way of nurturing your happiness in your day-to-day life.


If you feel comfortable in doing so, then volunteering can be a great way to help out your local neighborhood. The reward of helping someone else can be a beautiful feeling, allowing you to possibly recognize a sense of fulfillment and pride, hopefully nurturing your own happiness through the chance to help others.

All these ways of helping others can be a fantastic way of nurturing your own happiness.

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