6 Reasons You Should Adopt a Cat


Photo by Ihsan Aditya from Pexels

The thought of adopting a pet has likely crossed your mind at one point or another. After all, it feels good knowing that you are giving an innocent creature a warm and safe home for them to enjoy. A cat is a particularly good choice for multiple reasons, so if you are considering pet adoption, here are six reasons you should bring a cat home. 

1: Cats are Independent 

Many pets require lots of attention. Dogs, for example, require multiple walks a day, and ferrets need lots of attention and playtime. Cats, however, are usually content sleeping by the window and resting on your lap. In fact, some cats are happy without ever going outside! While you do need to make sure their litter tray is clean and that they are fed, for the most part, they can keep themselves entertained (especially if they have other cat friends in the house), just provide lots of toys and stimulation. 

To give an outdoors cat even more independence, you could even invest in a sliding pet door from evoproducts.com. That way, your cat can come and go as it pleases without having to meow at you. 

2: To Boost Your Mood 

Having a cat to greet you at the end of a long day has a significant impact on the mood, especially for those who live alone. Plus, most cats love to cuddle, which will contribute to lots of happiness. 

3: It is Cheaper than Buying   

Buying a cat can be very expensive. Adopting a cat, though, reduces the fees significantly. Where you might be spending $1000 on a particular cat breed, by going through an adoption agency, you might only end up spending $50. Remember to keep enough money to the side for emergency vet fees, though. 

4: Cats are Loving 

You have probably heard that cats are not loving creatures, but that is simply not true. Cats genuinely do love their owners, and while they might not always show it, they do appreciate the attention you give to them (as long as it is not too much). The difference between cats and dogs is dogs give love for free. Cats, however, tend to give it when they genuinely feel it, meaning it is probably well-deserved. 

5: They Teach Kids Boundaries 

Following on from dogs give you love for free – while it’s great to have a dog that loves unconditionally, cats are better at teaching boundaries. This is especially handy for children. If you are touching a cat when it doesn’t want you to, it will not put up with it – it will simply move out of your way or give you a gentle pat. 

Of course, there is always the risk of cat scratches, but you can train a cat to not harm you or your family, which is especially important if you have young children. 

6: To Give a Cat a Happy Life  

Adopting a pet is the most altruistic way of introducing a new fluffy friend into the family. It is an unfortunate truth that many pets are euthanized in the states – the more people who choose adoption over buying, the smaller this number becomes.

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