Five Fantastic Ways to Help Prevent Hair Loss


Photo by Element5 Digital from Pexels

The prevention of hair loss is a common aim for many different people.

The most common reason that people experience hair loss is generally due to the natural process of growing older. However, it is not just men afflicted by this issue as they age, and it might be something you are currently dealing with.

Although not all hair loss is avoidable, it can be helpful to know how to help prevent it from occurring where possible.

1.     Do not use chemicals on your hair

Using chemicals on your hair can contribute to hair loss. This is largely because many chemicals will dry your hair out and strip away the natural oils that it needs to thrive.

Additionally, chemical irritants can exacerbate hair loss and further damage your hair if it is already brittle.

2.     Use suitable hair care products

It is important to find shampoos and conditioners that are a good match to your hair type.

You might be surprised to learn that certain hair care products contain ingredients that may contribute to hair loss. For example, some shampoos contain triethanolamine and diethanolamine, which can irritate the scalp and lead to thinning hair. Therefore, it is best to avoid hair care products that contain these ingredients.

If you are unsure which best products for your hair, you should consult with hairdressers in Guildford for relevant advice.

3.     Eat a healthy, nutrient-rich diet

Your diet will directly impact how healthy your hair is. Conversely, it can sometimes be the case that a seriously unhealthy diet can cause sudden hair loss.

It is especially important to make sure you get enough protein in your diet if you are to avoid this problem. This is because a lack of protein in the diet can inhibit the body’s ability to develop new hair follicles.

Additionally, a deficiency in certain vitamins, such as vitamin A, B, C, and E, can impede hair growth and contribute to hair loss.

4.     Avoid tobacco products

Smoking tobacco can be detrimental to your hair health, and there are multiple reasons why this is the case.

When you consider that there are over 7,000 different chemicals in cigarette smoke, it is not surprising that this is the case. Therefore, avoiding tobacco is a wise idea if you want to continue enjoying healthy hair.

5.     Try low-level laser therapy

Low-level laser therapy can help to encourage hair growth. This works by stimulating circulation in the scalp to prompt the follicles to grow.

It is helpful to be aware that this is not a solution for everyone, and results will vary from person to person. However, if you are researching low-level laser therapy as a treatment for hair loss, you must be prepared because it might work for you.

Unavoidable Hair Loss

In some instances, it is simply not possible to prevent hair loss.

It can take some time to accept this and to get used to your appearance as it changes. However, experimenting with your new look can help you to adjust to it and to regain any lost confidence.

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