7 Flooring Ideas That Will Transform Your Home


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The floor in any room in your home is just as important as the walls, ceiling, furniture, and decor items. A floor can set the tone for any room and even become a talking point for anyone that visits your abode.

You’re probably reading this because the floors in some of your rooms are a little lackluster, and you’d like to do something about that. The trouble is, you’re unsure how to inject some new life into your flooring.

As you’re stuck for inspiration, take a look at these ideas to help you transform the floors in your home into elements that are guaranteed to be focal points rather than backdrops in your rooms:

1. Sanding and Varnishing

One of the most popular things any homeowner can do to improve their home’s interior aesthetics is sand and varnish their flooring. Even the dullest of wood floors can take on a new lease of life with this process, especially for contemporary-style rooms.

It’s something you can do to most types of wood floors, and you can even hire floor sanders to make the job easier, quicker, and safer to complete. Afterward, you can protect the floors with your choice of varnish to enhance and add value to your exposed flooring.

2. Carpets

What happens if your wood floors don’t look great even after you’ve sanded and varnished them? In such situations, it can make sense to cover them over with new carpets. It might not be your top choice for flooring, but it can quickly and affordably transform any room.

Head to any carpet retailer, and you’ll come across a vast choice of colors, patterns, and styles. You won’t have any trouble finding examples that will look best in each room in your home.

3. Laminate Flooring

Carpets aren’t the only option for covering unsightly wood floors. Did you know that you can achieve the look of beautiful wood floors by having laminate flooring installed on top of your existing wood floors?

Laminate flooring is affordable and attractive, and you can get it in various styles, colors, thicknesses, and sizes. Many homeowners have laminate flooring installed in living spaces, kitchens, bathrooms, and high-traffic areas like hallways.

Some people even opt to have laminate flooring installed in bedrooms to achieve a specific look or style.

4. Concrete Flooring

Are you trying to achieve an industrial look in your home? Perhaps your home got converted into a residence from a former commercial or industrial premises? One way to achieve your design goals is by having concrete laid down on the ground.

The great thing about concrete is that it forms a durable foundation for buildings, and it’s also the perfect material to use as a base for room flooring. You can have concrete laid in different colors, and you can even have concrete poured into molds to imitate tiles.

Make sure that you have your concrete sealed so that moisture doesn’t penetrate through the surface.

5. Ceramic Tile Flooring

Some people live in locations where it’s hot most of the year. As you can imagine, floor coverings like carpet don’t help make a house feel cooler when outdoor temperatures are high.

If you live in such a location, you might want to consider having ceramic tiles laid down in each room in your home. As you might imagine, ceramic tiles are available in various sizes, colors, and styles, so you’ll have no issue finding ones that suit each room in your home.

Plus, walking barefoot on ceramic tiles during a hot day can give an instant cooling effect to your body.

6. Reclaimed Tile Flooring

Are you a keen proponent of reusing and recycling materials, especially in your home? If the answer’s yes, why purchase brand new tiles for your floors when you can consider reclaimed ones instead?

Reclaimed tiles might be unwanted and unloved by their former owners. But, you could find a style you like and reuse them for your home. When you fit reclaimed tiles, make sure you give them a thorough clean and seal them for protection.

7. Vinyl Flooring

Last but not least, one idea you might want to consider, especially if you’re going to make a statement in each room, is vinyl flooring. When many people think of vinyl floors, they conjure up mental images of dull colors or patterns.

However, you can get all kinds of statement vinyl flooring. For example, if you wanted a pop-art themed room, you could create a one-off custom design on your computer and have it professionally printed out onto premium vinyl, ready to install in your room.

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