Easy ways to boost your recovery after exercising


Photo by Cliff Booth from Pexels

For most people, exercise is a relief. It’s a way of letting off steam and keeping your mind and body healthy. That’s why it’s so important to make sure you keep your body as healthy as possible in anticipation of that next great workout. Here are some easy and effective ways to boost your recovery after exercise. 

Drink plenty of water

Water is good for you to start with, but after a tough workout, it’s absolutely essential. The general rule of thumb is that you should drink half your body weight in ounces. If you weigh 160 pounds, drink at least 80 oz of water every day to stay hydrated and healthy.

Stretch your muscles

If you feel it in your legs, stretch them immediately after working out. This will help move the lactic acid and other toxins through your system and out of your body faster. You can do this by leaning against a wall with one leg up and pulling back on the knee of that leg. Hold for 30 seconds and switch legs. This is a gentle way to stretch the muscles in your quads, hamstrings, hips, and calves.

Use ice and heat

Alternating hot and cold can help increase your blood flow and reduce swelling. For example, you could step into the bathtub after your workout and then put bags of ice over sore areas like your quads or shins. You can also use electric heating pads to heat up sore spots overnight.

Do some yoga

Yoga is one of the easiest ways to stretch, strengthen, and relax at the same time. It also gets you in tune with your body, which can help you catch injuries before they become serious problems.

Get a massage  

A massage can do more than just relax you—it can also reduce inflammation and increase the speed at which your body recovers. After a workout, get a massage so you can catch any problems early on.

There are lots of different types of massages with lots of different oils and ointments. Try something with lavender or eucalyptus to boost recovery. Or, consider using cannabidiol. Simply CBD Wales has an extensive collection of (simplycbdwales.com) muscle balm and massage oil to help make the experience more enjoyable.

Eat something healthy

It’s not enough to drink water to replace the fluids you are losing. After a workout, your body needs protein and carbs, so you should eat something immediately following working out. Keep it light though—a yogurt or smoothie is plenty after a moderate workout or yoga session. Save the heavy stuff for when you’re really hungry.

Protein helps to build and repair muscle, which makes it essential for athletes. Try to supplement your normal diet with lean meats like chicken or fish, lentils, beans, and nuts. They’re full of antioxidants that will help reduce damage to your muscles while you exercise.

There are lots of easy ways to boost your recovery after exercise. First and foremost, drink plenty of water. You should also stretch your muscles and do some yoga or a simple form of meditation before going to sleep. Use hot and cold therapy techniques to ease swelling and reduce inflammation in your muscles. Finally, make sure you eat something healthy right after you exercise.

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