5 Signs That You May Have a Binge Eating Disorder


Photo by Criativithy from Pexels

Food has become a huge part of many cultures, with big meals expected whenever people are celebrating or commiserating, so it’s easy to associate food with emotions. For some people, this can lead to patterns of behavior such as binge eating, which over time can lead to it becoming a compulsion. So, how do you know whether you have a condition such as binge eating disorder? Here are some of the most common signs.

  1. You eat large amounts, even when full

Binge eating disorder is characterized by eating large amounts of food, to the point of feeling beyond full and even feeling discomfort. Certain foods are linked to binge eating, such as pizza, ice cream, potato chips and anything that can be eaten in large amounts without you feeling instantly full.  However, binges can be made up of any kind of food, so even if the trigger foods are removed from your home, you’ll still eat large amounts.

  1. You’ll eat out of date or spoiled food

While it’s common for people to sometimes lose control and eat too much of their favorite food, those with a binge eating disorder will eat pretty much anything if their foods of choice aren’t available. Whether it’s food that is past its sell by date, is burned, frozen or even things retrieved from the trash, you may have found yourself eating things that have later left you feeling ashamed.

  1. Eating alone and hiding your habits

Eating large amounts of food at a social gathering is something everyone likes to do from time to time. However, if you binge when you are alone, it’s more likely to be a sign of a disorder. Like alcoholics and other addicts, hiding your habits is never a good sign, so if you hide your stash and make excuses to go home to binge, you may have a problem.

  1. Certain things trigger your binges

There can be a lot of reasons why people binge eat from depression to genetics, and you may find there are certain things that trigger you to go on a binge. Whether it’s dealing with difficult situations at work, or feeling tired or anxious, if you find yourself bingeing in certain situations, then it may be a sign that you have binge eating disorder.

  1. You get a diagnosis from a professional

Although you can lookout for signs of binge eating disorder, the only way to truly know whether you have it is to get diagnosed by a professional. Visit edentreatment.com and you can find professionals who specialize in providing treatment for people with eating disorders.

Many people with binge eating disorders don’t seek treatment for many years out of embarrassment, but the truth is that binge eating disorder is the most common eating disorder in the USA, with around 3.5% of women and 2% of men affected. Therefore, you should never feel ashamed about seeking help with this condition.

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