3 Sure Fire Ways To Declutter Your Humble Abode


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If your home is looking more cluttered than ever before after the great lockdown of 2020, it’s time to get it sorted. There’s nothing worse than not being able to see your floor because of toys, junk, and stuff clogging up the carpet. You may need more storage options but you also need to ship out some of the things that are cluttering up your home. Decluttering needn’t be too challenging if you are armed with a plan and some willpower. Yes, the decluttering mountain may seem like a steep one to climb, but dedicate a weekend to the task, and you can get it sorted, revealing a bright, airy, and spacious home once again.


Decluttering success depends on a plan. Have a clipboard, paper, and pen, and make a list of all the rooms that need decluttering. Prioritize them in terms of how much clutter is in them. Start with the smallest room. This is because it won’t take you too long to declutter and seeing an airy, organized space will motivate you to take on the trickier and more challenging clutter bombs! 

Make three piles for every room. One will be for donations, the other will be to sell on, and the final one will be for landfill. Things that are broken can go in this pile. Other items that you do not want can be sold on a site like eBay. This site is great because one person’s junk is another person’s treasure and an item will always find its value. Photograph every item with a range of close up and wide-angle shots. Ensure that your product descriptions are detailed and point out any flaws. If you are selling a 1960s coffee table, some scuffs to the legs will be expected, but it’s always best to point them out rather than saying it is in mint condition. Other items that won’t sell you can donate to the charity shop.


If you still want to keep some knick-knacks and sentimental items but you don’t necessarily want them on show, you need to come up with some nifty storage solutions. Head onto Mektronics and check out the latest drills they have that are available to buy. With a good drill, you can whip up some flatpack bookcases and ottoman bases that can house your ornaments. Any kids toys that are usually left strewn across the living room floor need a dedicated toybox and any books need a space in the study

If you have larger items, put them up into your loft. A boarded loft always comes in handy for things other than your Christmas tree and decorations. The same goes for your garage. Don’t ever dump things in these spaces and ensure that you have an adequate organization system so that you can find the things that you have stored once again.

Keep It Tidy

The real challenge will be to maintain your clutter-free atmosphere. Don’t be tempted to leave the tidying up for another day and ensure that you keep everything in its ‘home’ whether this is a shelf or a cupboard. You’ll need to get the whole family on board, but once they see the new brighter home that you’ve created, this shouldn’t be a problem.

Follow this guide and you can declutter your home once and for all.

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