4 Tips to Declutter Your Home



A messy home doesn’t just look untidy. An excess of clutter in your life can also make you feel stressed and anxious without even realizing it. If there are toys all over the floor, dishes piling up by the sink, and shoes in a heap by the front door, your mental health might be suffering.

Tidying up your home will also make it more spacious, giving you more room to breathe. It will be more welcoming to guests and it will allow you to take pride in your living space. Ultimately, you will be happier and more positive as a result.

But where do you start? If your home is in a state, the task of decluttering can seem quite overwhelming. To give you a push in the right direction, here are four tips for decluttering your home.

 Throw things out

Go through your home with a fine tooth comb and make a conscious effort to rid yourself of anything you really don’t need. Perhaps you have shelves full of old CDs and DVDs that never got played. Or clothes that no longer fit you and would be loved by someone else. Systematically work through each room, filling bin bags full of items to either sell, take to a charity shop, or simply dispose of. If you have possessions with sentimental value that you can’t bring yourself to throw away, consider putting them in the hands of a self storage company like Kiwi Storage to keep them out of sight and create more space.

 Be more organized

You don’t have to get rid of everything to declutter your home, but you certainly need to become more organized. If every single item in your house has its own dedicated space, there will never be any excuse for leaving your possessions all over the floors and surfaces. Create a system for organizing your clothes, books, kitchen utensils, and all the other material goods that fill up your home. This way, you will save time looking for things when you most need them, and your living space will feel more spacious and relaxing too.

 Invest in storage

It might be a good idea to invest in some smart home storage solutions to keep your home neat and tidy and make the most of your space. This is particularly useful if you have a small house. Storage boxes that fit under the bed or on top of wardrobes can be handy, or even more discreet options like underfloor or under stair storage compartments.

 Adopt good habits

It’s not good enough to simply declutter your home. You need to adopt good habits if you are going to keep it that way over time. This means hanging your clothes back up after using them rather than simply dumping them on the floor. It also means washing dishes directly after meals and scheduling a weekly cleaning session to hoover and wipe surfaces. This may take a little bit of work but it will be more than worth the effort to enjoy a beautiful, spotless home.

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