5 Reasons You Need to Read More


Photo by Taryn Elliott from Pexels

During your busy day-to-day life, slotting in reading time can seem like less of a priority. There are reasons you should keep up with this relaxing and stimulating hobby, however, even if it’s just twenty minutes before bed-time or a short chapter on your lunch break. Here are six reasons reading is an essential part of your day.

1: Keeps Your Brain Healthy 

Through the use of MRI scans, researchers have discovered that reading strengthens your brain! This means that reading can improve your memory, visual and auditory processes, concentration, and more. Keeping up with your brain’s health can be extremely beneficial when you get older. So, pick up that fantasy book series you’ve been putting off for too long, and keep your brain young and healthy!

2: Teaches You to Write Better

When you read, over time, you start picking up the way the authors write their sentences and how they structure their paragraphs. If you’re reading good novels, this serves to strengthen your writing skills. Even picking up a badly-written book won’t do you any harm, either, as you will come to learn what good writing and bad writing are. When you come across the bad, you will discover what not to do, and when you read brilliant prose, you will be learning from the best.

3: Increases Your Vocab 

Quite an obvious one, but it truly is remarkable how much reading can improve your vocabulary. As you read, you are likely to come across a few words or phrases you’re not sure of. Reaching for the dictionary while you’re reading will make sure you’re building up your vocab until you find you don’t need to look up those words anymore. Even if you don’t check every single word, brains are clever little things, and the surrounding sentences will plant what the word means in your mind. The more you read, the more newly discovered words you will stumble across, which only means more vocab for your personal dictionary in your brain!

4: Better Sleep 

Reading before you sleep means you will drop off faster. Instead of lying in bed with the light of your phone keeping you awake, try reading a chapter or two to drop off, and you will find you are getting a better night’s sleep. The only real danger here is you find yourself stuck in a brilliant novel and end up staying up all night!

5: Increases Empathy 

Reading actually increases empathy! This makes sense, as when you are reading, you are delving into the perspectives of all types of people from all walks of life. There is no room for prejudice when you read multiple books, as you come to understand that everyone is equal, and everyone is worthy of compassion. A great way of making sure you are reading a diverse range of books is to purchase a book subscription box UK – the fact that you won’t be choosing the books will mean you’re more likely to stumble across authors you usually wouldn’t. There is never a reason not to build empathy, so make sure you read more and grow into a better person because of it!

Reading is one of the most wonderful pleasures this planet has to offer us. Make sure you find the time to pick up the book you’ve meant to read or visit your local library for some inspiration for the next books you’ll tackle – your brain will thank you!


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