Living With Melanoma – 5 Tips For Skin Cancer Survivors


Photo by Armin Rimoldi from Pexels

Melanoma is one of the most dangerous forms of skin cancer that affects thousands of Americans every year. An early diagnosis can save life as doctors remove the cancer cells by surgery. Patients can recover and live for years, provided they get timely treatment and stay ahead of a relapse. But living life as a cancer survivor can be challenging because you need to cope with physical changes and keep track of your symptoms. The risk factor of relapse and even another bout with the disease runs high once you recover from melanoma. But some simple measures can help you lead a close-to-normal life. Here are some tips you can follow.

Look after your scar

As a part of melanoma treatment, the doctor cuts out the tumor and the surrounding skin to ensure that all the cancerous cells are gone for good. The surgery leaves a scar which may vary depending on the size of the tumor and incision. You may feel self-conscious about the scar, but learn to take good care of it. Follow the surgeon’s instructions to ensure it heals properly. Consult the doctor immediately if you notice signs of infection or changes in the scar. You can camouflage it with cosmetics or use an over-the-counter scar cream to make it less apparent.

Know your options

Cancer survivors always live on the edge because there are apprehensions of a relapse. Make sure you are regular with follow-ups. Keep a check on suspicious signs such as a new mole or change in an existing one, and see a doctor right away when you spot them. It makes sense to research your options in alternative therapies. The surging popularity of cbd rick simpson oil makes it worth considering as a therapy if you need it in the future. RSO derives its name from Rick Simpson, a medical marijuana activist who experienced the miracle healing effects with the formulation. Further, several scientific studies validate the efficacy of CBD as a therapy for cancer patients.

Prioritize sun safety

Exposure to ultraviolet rays is the primary cause of almost all melanomas, so you must prioritize sun safety even after recovery. Be extra careful about protecting the affected spot because it is a high-risk area. Seek recommendations from your doctor for the best sunscreen. Ideally, you should pick one with an SPF of 30 or higher. Apply it every time you go outdoors. Wear covered clothing and get extra protection with a wide-brimmed hat or an umbrella. Even better, plan your schedule around the sun and avoid staying outdoors during peak hours. Don’t worry about getting your supply of vitamin D because you can make up for it through food and supplements. Embrace a sun-free look because tanning isn’t for you.

Life as a skin cancer survivor isn’t easy, but changing your lifestyle and following some precautions can help you live as normally as possible. Just follow these simple pieces of advice, and you can stay healthy and safe from a relapse in the future.

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