How to Stay Healthy When Working From Home


Photo by Los Muertos Crew from Pexels

If you are working remotely for all or at least part of the working week, you may be settling into a routine and enjoying this extra time spent at home. Working from home is a convenient option, and most people find they accomplish so much more in their working day without the distractions of being in the office. But is spending all this time at home without leaving the house healthy? You may be concerned about the long-term impact of all this additional time spent at home and its effect on your health. With the help of some changes to your work routine and setup, you should be able to take care of your health without it impacting your productivity. Here are some ideas to help you get started on your journey to staying healthy when working from home:

Take a Break

Taking regular breaks is really beneficial when you are working in any environment, but can be especially helpful when you work from home. Having the opportunity to stand up and stretch your legs is a great way to prevent stiffness and will help you to feel more awake. Working at home can be lonely, and you may start to feel bored, but taking a break gives you the opportunity to connect with others, whether you pop to the shops or chat with a friend. Taking a break also enables you to get some fresh air outside, which helps boost your mood and increase your vitamin D levels.

Perfect Your Posture

Perfecting your posture and protecting it is vital to ensure working from home does not create neck and back pain and stiffness. It is so easy to slip into the habit of slouching at your desk, and before you know it, your back can become extremely painful. Taking care of your posture will help you to keep back and neck pain at bay and stop them from interfering with your working day. Choosing the best desk chair is essential to keep your posture in check and ensure you can sit comfortably all day. You may find it helpful to try exercises that strengthen your core and improve your posture, such as yoga and pilates. These exercises are also an excellent stress reliever, so they are great for helping you unwind after a busy day.

Stick to Your Hours

When you are already at home, it can be tempting to work beyond your regular hours as you don’t have the hassle of the evening commute to get through. But, it is wise to stick with your set working hours to ensure that you don’t blur the lines between home-life and work-life further. Keeping a physical separation between home and work is challenging when you work remotely. Still, it is possible to place boundaries on the time you spend working to help maintain the balance. Striking the correct balance between home and work will benefit both your health and wellbeing and is sure to keep you feeling at your best.

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