Battling insomnia- 4 habits to inculcate


Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Did you know that more than 2% of the worldwide population has a serious sleeping disorder? More than 40% of people on the West Coast have experienced restlessness or insomnia at one point in their lives. It is important to deal with this issue before it turns into a serious disorder. Not getting enough sleep can have adverse effects on your cognitive abilities, patience levels, and even work and your personal life. You may be experiencing lethargy and tiredness after waking up every day. It is essential to develop certain habits to help you battle your insomnia before it starts interfering with different areas in your life.

Try to have a consistent routine

It is quite important to try to sleep and wake up at the same time if you experience restless nights. You might be quite tempted to sleep in on the weekends in order to try and cover up your lack of sleep during the weekdays, but this will definitely throw your sleep cycle off even more. Your body has an internal clock that tells you when it is time to sleep and when it is time to wake up. When you sleep in or go to sleep late, this clock gets disrupted and your body does not produce melatonin (the sleep hormone) at the right time. This is why you should try to train your body to wake up at the same time every single day.

Try weed from time to time

No matter what we try, there might be times when we absolutely can’t sleep. A ton of research has proven how effective weed can be as a sleeping aid. It is important to do this in moderation of course, so that you do not build up a tolerance for it. You can try to search for west coast cannabis in order to find something close to your home. Try to get some Indica to help you to relax before bedtime, and make sure you have no other work left before you smoke. You can also try some CBD or mild edibles to help you sleep.

Exercise whenever you get the time

A tired body can go to sleep quite easily. When you exercise regularly, it helps to bring your cortisol levels down. This will enable your body to reduce stress, which is a big cause of insomnia. A ton of studies have shown how regular exercise can help improve your sleep duration along with its quality. Try to exercise in the morning or afternoon so that you can sleep well at night.

Eliminate caffeine and alcohol

Even though alcohol is a depressant, it can cause trouble in your sleep quality. Even the effects of caffeine can last for more than 24 hours, making it tough for you to go to sleep. It will also cause you to wake up in the middle of the night from time to time. It is best to reduce consumption or to eliminate these things completely from your life.

Insomnia can bring with it quite a few problems. Use these hacks to help you get a better night’s sleep.

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