Signs That You’re Storing Stress And Grief In Your Body


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Facing painful events and losses is something no human is immune to. We all have to go through phase of sadness, rejection, and grief. A mentally healthy person usually overcomes these events in their own time and can function normally. Therapy helps immensely in such circumstances. However, some of us are more sensitive and may feel fine on the surface, but are sinking inside. Here are signs that you may be more affected by such events and are storing the toll of trauma in your body.

  1. Constant Brain Fog: The term brain fog refers to feeling dissociated mentally. Most people find it hard to focus on normal tasks, have scattered or murky thoughts and are not present in the now moment as a result of the mind trying to protect itself from an experience (trauma) that has already happened.
  2. Feeling Burnt Out: Many times, we over-exert ourselves mentally for work or projects. This could lead to a mental block for a short time, which recovers upon resting. However, if you have experienced a loss or traumatic event, you could feel permanently burnt out no matter what you do. This lack of productivity and inspiration can lead to procrastination and self sabotage.
  3. Chronic Pain: Chronic pain refers to a persistent feeling of being in pain either in a particular zone of your body or just general pain that keeps shifting. The body keeps a score of traumatic events, stessors and triggers, manifesting as physical pain in specific regions that could be very troublesome in the long run. Some ways to promote healing ans complement therapy would be using prescription marijuana. Using a low price bud for prescription marijuana often aids you to find relief while the therapist unravels the root cause of this pain. THC is a popular holistic healing ingredient that can help ease and mitigate chronic pain and menta health ailments.
  4. Body Twitches: Have you noticed parts of your body twitching randomly or when you’re triggered? If yes, you may want to look deeper into the cause. Sometimes, anxiety inducing thoughts and moments, or even thinking about such triggering memories can cause the nervous system to react and result in painless body twitches. This is caused by your neurons firing away and a concoction of the sympathetic hormonal cocktail.
  5. Emotional Dysregularion: Feeling a wide range of emotions throughout the day is normal, but it doesn’t often happen then you feel the extremities of the emotional spectrum regularly. If you’re going from happy to outbursts of sadness or anger and feel like you can’t control your emotions well, this is a sign of a dysregulated body. Trauma can affect you in many ways, some of which we are still trying to understand. Emotional dysregulation can be addressed by using tools like meditation, mindfulness, CBT, and EFT tapping.

Wrapping Up:

Our bodies keep score of all the experience we go through in the form of physical and mental scars. While the former are easy to spot, the latter requires adept professionals. We hope that you can spot the signs and get the help you need.

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