Essential Steps To Fortify Your Home Against Disasters


Photo by Alex Andrews

Homeowners want to keep their property well-maintained over the years. But you need to think beyond the regular annual maintenance and emergency repairs. Planning for disasters like floods, wildfires, earthquakes, and hurricanes is equally vital. Besides the natural calamities, your living space is prone to theft, vandalism, and unexpected attacks. The worst part is that you cannot predict such events, so securing your home against them makes sense. A little effort can minimize residential home damage and the resulting expenses. Here are some essential steps for Canadian homeowners to fortify their homes against disasters.

Choose the apt location

You are in a better place to create a disaster safety plan if planning to buy or build a house. Consider area-specific risks before buying a lot or property. For example, choosing a higher ground is a good idea in Alberta because the chances of floods and storms run high here. A home situated higher than surrounding properties is safer. If your property is on the lower ground, consider implementing measures to protect it from disasters.

Stay ahead of the repair requirements

A weak foundation or damaged roof can worsen the situation and cause intensive damage to your property if a disaster occurs. Staying ahead of the repair requirements makes your place safe to live in and fortifies it against emergencies. A well-maintained property is less likely to be affected by disasters like floods, earthquakes, and hurricanes. Moreover, they are also comparatively safe from break-ins and burglaries.

Do not skimp on homeowners’ insurance

The most important tip is to buy homeowners’ insurance that offers adequate coverage to deal with the aftermath of a disaster. You may want to cut corners by buying a basic policy that does not cover such emergencies. But it is the worst decision as you may land with massive repair expenses if a disaster hits. Once again, consider your risks and review your policy to ensure proper coverage. You must Protect your Alberta home with insurance that addresses the risks of floods, landslides, hurricanes, and other disasters. Consider it a small price for peace of mind.

Invest in protective measures

Besides maintenance and insurance, you can do your bit to invest in protective measures. Minor changes can save your property from extensive damage. For example, caulking around the doors and windows prevents water damage. Installing high-strength garage doors, keeping the gutters clean, securing the chimneys, and keeping the storm drain clear can fortify your property against damage.

Secure outdoor belongings

Think beyond the home interiors when it comes to disaster safety. Securing the outdoor belongings is equally crucial because hurricane winds can turn patio furniture, trees, and even kids’ toys into dangerous projectiles. These items can damage the exterior or crash through your windows. Remember to bring these belongings indoors or secure them outdoors when there is a forecast of high winds.

You cannot afford to compromise the safety of your home, but a natural disaster can affect it at any point. However, you can implement these measures to secure your property inside out.

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