What Are The Best Sustainable Materials For Your Next Home Renovation?


Finding sustainable materials should be a priority during any home renovation. The good news is, there are more options than ever, so if you are concerned about living an eco-friendly lifestyle, you should be able to find the right materials to use in your home. But a lot of people don’t know where to start because they don’t know which materials are good for the planet and which ones aren’t. If you are planning some home renovations soon, these are the best sustainable materials to use. 


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Wood is the most obvious choice if you’re looking for sustainable materials. It’s completely biodegradable and old wooden furniture can easily be sanded down and refinished, so there is a lot of longevity there, which helps to reduce waste. 

However, you do need to consider where the wood you buy comes from. It’s vital that wood is sustainably sourced and new trees are planted to replace the ones that are cut down. So, before using any wood, make sure that you check that it’s from a responsible source. 

If you want to be extra eco-friendly, you should make use of reclaimed wood in your home. This is actually a very popular trend right now and you can get some amazing furniture made from reclaimed wood. It also makes a brilliant option for a feature wall too. 


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Tiles are often overlooked when people are looking for sustainable materials but they’re one of the best options. Tiles are incredibly eco-friendly and they also give you some great design options. If you are decorating your kitchen in the new year you should definitely consider tiling because there are so many different designs available. You can also create your own patterns and mosaics with the tiles, giving you the freedom to make your decor unique. 

They are incredibly long lasting and they can easily be cleaned with hot water and mild soap. So, tiles help to reduce the use of harsh cleaning chemicals that can damage the environment. Tiles are made from simple, plentiful resources too, so there is minimal impact during the manufacturing phase. 

Recycled Steel 

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If you are planning some big renovations, like a new extension or removing a wall, you will need structural supports. Steel is already commonly used in home building projects but did you know that you can massively reduce your impact on the planet by using recycled steel instead? Steel is one of the most easily recycled materials there is and you can cut up to 75% of the energy costs by going for the recyclable option. Recycled steel is already used in the manufacture of most new steel and it is the most recycled material in the world, so eco-friendly options are readily available. 

Metal doesn’t just have to be used for supports either. You can get inventive with the way that you incorporate steel into your decor. Check out these metal kitchen tiles, for example. 

There are so many great options out there so you should always shop around, but these are the best sustainable materials for your next home renovation. 

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