How to Exercise with Ease During Summer


Photo by Wendy Wei from Pexels

The thought of exercise during the hot summer months might fill you with dread. When you feel hot and sticky, you will want to avoid increasing your temperature and dehydrating your body.

However, you must embrace physical activity if you want to develop or maintain a fit, healthy body throughout the seasons. If you want to feel motivated to put on some fitness clothing, find out how to exercise with ease during summer.

Wear Lightweight, Breathable Fitness Clothing

The clothing you wear can determine your comfort and temperature during a workout. Make an exercise feel like a breeze by wearing lightweight, breathable fitness gear that will wick away moisture. You will feel cooler when completing a workout, so you can push your body harder and reach your fitness goals.

Exercise in a Cool Spot Outdoors

There are various exercises you can complete outdoors, especially during summer. For example, you could use a high-quality, thick yoga mat to perform floor exercises in a shaded area. You could practice yoga or Pilates under a tree, in a shaded wood, or on a breezy beach. Also, take advantage of a sudden rain shower, as it can keep you cool during exercise and make you feel invigorated.

Stay Hydrated Throughout the Day

Hot temperatures can increase your risk of dehydration. If you don’t drink water before a workout, you might struggle with fatigue, poor focus, and a low mood. Motivate yourself to get up on your feet by drinking water throughout the day.

You will be bursting with energy, which could increase your likelihood of donning your workout clothes to embrace physical activity. Plus, a hydrated body can prevent stomach cramps, headaches, and dizziness as you exercise.

Take Breaks

While you might be eager to reach your fitness goals, it shouldn’t come at the cost of your health. Try not to push yourself too hard during the summer months, as you could faint or suffer from dehydration. Instead, take regular breaks during a workout to enjoy some water and cool down.

Avoid Exercise During Peak Hours

As the sun’s UV rays are at their strongest from 10am until 2pm, you should avoid exercising during these peak hours. Hot and humid temperatures can prevent your body from cooling down effectively when you take a break, which can increase your risk of heat exhaustion and dehydration. Instead, work out early in the morning or in the evening to enjoy a cooler, comfortable, and safe workout.

Don’t Ignore the Signs of Heat Exhaustion

It is vital you familiarize yourself with the signs of heat exhaustion, so you will know when to walk away from an exercise to rest, to lower your temperature, and to rehydrate your body.

Common signs include:

  • Dizziness
  • Weakness
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • A headache
  • Moist, cool skin
  • Dark urine

If you struggle with the above symptoms, sit in a cool spot, moisten your clothing, and fan yourself to bring down your temperature. If problems persist, don’t hesitate to seek medical attention.

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