7 Reasons Why You Should Ditch Hair Relaxers


Photo by lucas da miranda

For many years, hair relaxers have been a popular choice among people with curly or kinky hair. They promise to straighten hair and make it more manageable. However, what many people don’t realize is that hair relaxers contain harsh chemicals that can damage hair and scalp.

The process is also time-consuming and requires significant effort and investment to maintain the straightened look. In addition, relaxed hair limits your styling options and has been linked to several health concerns.

In this article, we will explore the top seven reasons why you should ditch hair relaxers and embrace your natural hair.

Reason 1: Harsh Chemicals

Hair relaxers contain harsh chemicals such as sodium hydroxide, calcium hydroxide, and guanidine hydroxide. They can damage the scalp and hair follicles, leading to hair loss, dryness, and breakage. Furthermore, some hair relaxers contain formaldehyde, a known carcinogen that can cause cancer and other health problems. One of the most alarming health concerns associated with hair relaxers is the link to ovarian cancer.

If you or someone you know has suffered from health problems as a result of using hair relaxers, it may be possible to file a lawsuit against the company for compensation. It’s important to consult with a lawyer who can take care of your hair relaxer lawsuit and your rights. The lawyer will help you hold the companies accountable for their actions and receive compensation for any damages you have suffered.

Reason 2: Time-Consuming

Hair relaxers require a significant amount of time to apply and process. You must sit with the relaxer on your hair for a specific amount of time, depending on the product’s instructions.

The process can take several hours, depending on the length and thickness of your hair. This time commitment can be challenging for people with busy schedules.

Reason 3: Maintenance

Maintaining relaxed hair requires significant effort and investment. You must touch up your hair every few weeks to maintain a straightened look. This process involves applying the relaxer to new hair growth and carefully blending it with the previously relaxed hair.

This process can be challenging to do at home, and salon visits can be expensive. One way to maintain hair after using hair relaxers is by using deep conditioning treatments. These treatments can help to restore moisture to the hair and prevent breakage.

Reason 4: Limited Styling Options

One of the biggest drawbacks of using hair relaxers is that they can limit your styling options. This is because relaxed hair tends to be more fragile and prone to breakage, which can make it difficult to style in certain ways. For example, if you enjoy wearing your hair in tight braids or twists, using a hair relaxer can cause your hair to become weak and break off.

Additionally, hair relaxers can make it difficult to switch up your hairstyle. Once you’ve relaxed your hair, it can take months or even years for it to return to its natural texture, which means you’ll be stuck with straight hair until then.

Reason 5: Health Concerns

Hair relaxers have been linked to several health concerns, including hormone disruption and an increased risk of breast cancer.

Some studies have also linked hair relaxers to uterine fibroids and early puberty in girls. While more research is needed, it is essential to consider the potential health risks before using hair relaxers.

Reason 6: Embrace Your Natural Beauty

Embracing your natural hair is an essential step in self-love and self-acceptance. Learning to care for your natural hair can be a journey of self-discovery, and it can inspire others to do the same.

It is time to celebrate the unique beauty of our natural hair and stop conforming to society’s beauty standards.

Reason 7: Financial Savings

Ditching hair relaxers can also save you money in the long run. The cost of relaxers, touch-ups, and salon visits can add up quickly.

Embracing your natural hair can save you hundreds or even thousands of dollars each year.

Bottom Line

Ditching hair relaxers is a wise decision for anyone who values their hair health. The harmful chemicals present in hair relaxers can cause severe damage to hair follicles, leading to hair breakage and hair loss. Furthermore, frequent use of relaxers can lead to scalp irritation, skin burns, and even respiratory problems.

Instead, consider alternative hair care methods such as natural hair styling, protective hairstyles, and regular moisturizing to maintain healthy hair.

By ditching hair relaxers, you can not only save your hair from damage but also promote the growth of strong and healthy hair. Take charge of your hair health today and ditch the relaxers!

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